Kiwiinqatar: It appears you have not had the opportunity of facing the realities in companies whose management act as gods of human destiny. Many of them are managed by expatriates. The MD of my last company had no respect whatsoever for any worker from the highest to the lowest level no matter how good he was. He frequently commented "throw him out; there are hundreds waiting in line for his job." No employee would ever desire to leave a good employer. On the other hand, a worker in a well-managed company that respects its employees would go the extra mile for the progress and prosperity of the company. This is because it is from there that he gets bread for himself and his family.
Kiwiinqatar: It appears you have not had the opportunity of facing the realities in companies whose management act as gods of human destiny. Many of them are managed by expatriates. The MD of my last company had no respect whatsoever for any worker from the highest to the lowest level no matter how good he was. He frequently commented "throw him out; there are hundreds waiting in line for his job." No employee would ever desire to leave a good employer. On the other hand, a worker in a well-managed company that respects its employees would go the extra mile for the progress and prosperity of the company. This is because it is from there that he gets bread for himself and his family.