
That won't work...ppl will just start driving used/poorly maintained cars

If u want less cars on the road u have to start providing other alternatives to driving and make driving singlehandedly more costly. My suggestions are:

1) Setup some toll ways on strategic streets.

2) Provide HOV (i.e. High Occupancy Vehicle) lanes preferably for cars with 3+ passengers to encourage carpooling.

3) Add other forms of public transportation besides buses...understandably that’s underway already.

4) Setup a "minimum" speed limit not just a maximum and fine violators. Every morning I see some drivers who r doing 60 on the expressway with open road ahead!!!...I figure they r probably ppl who work in document delivery business and they don't get any incentives for getting there on time so they r trying to delay their trip cuz it means less work for them.

5) Start charging for parking....ppl who know they have to pay to take their own car will probably opt out and carpool or even stay at home.