Today i went to EJ Hairdressers for highlights !!! It was just sooooooo perfect! As far as I can remember, I've never been satisfied with my hair done at salon before like I was this afternoon (well let's be honest, I was once back home! The hairdresser was an old lady and veeeerrry well experienced ;)
At EJ Haidressers, as soon I entered that door, I felt like a princess ^^ I felt so relaxed as well, well you can say that was a long time I didn't do something for myself :o ! I deserved that gooood treatment :p Roger did the highlights for me, he actually had many clients.. (The principal hairdresser I think) by the way he speaks French, that was great!! I could explain to him what exactly I wanted ;) I expresses myself better then (--.) you can feel their hospitality in this salon believe me! And it's not fake, it's true , it's not all about money, you can see when someone likes his job!!! This man he does! The result was awesome! Highlights on brown to dark hair, just as imagined ;) (y)
Well some of you could think that I could be one of the stuff at the salon, cause that's what I always think, I even try to analyse the style to know if it's a real experience ... :p clever me :p jejjejeje
But that's true it's the salon in Sheraton oh I almost forgot to tell you it cost me 540QR no blow dry. It worth it ;€ oh yeah and it took me arround 1h and half (1h30)