Freedom of speech must be given and at the same time hate speeches should be prohibited.
Though Jesus and Mo don't benefit Rippyy.. he takes it as fun..laughs at it..but on the other hand, the same act openly humiliates millions.. he knows it humiliates but he puts the other human beings tolerance into test..
When an action could disrupt a social peace (harmony) and relationship thereby provoking violence and putting someone else tolerance into test, it should be prohibited by law as a whole but people can forgive each other.
Freedom of speech must be given and at the same time hate speeches should be prohibited.
Though Jesus and Mo don't benefit Rippyy.. he takes it as fun..laughs at it..but on the other hand, the same act openly humiliates millions.. he knows it humiliates but he puts the other human beings tolerance into test..
When an action could disrupt a social peace (harmony) and relationship thereby provoking violence and putting someone else tolerance into test, it should be prohibited by law as a whole but people can forgive each other.