Thanks Maccessory! Thanks Marco! It is such an insult to the very person of this Great Man who ever existed. God be praised!
Please non-Muslim Qlers, do not let yourself be tempted to believe Mohammad was a paedophile as many are saying or trying to prove online on various websites with this story of a 6 yrs old girl. Do your research. Do not be gullible and accept everything you see or hear. Do not look up at some Muslims behaviour from some remote tribes of some backward countries. Child abuse is Unislamic and against the spirit of Islam and any other religion for that matter. Period!
Thanks Maccessory! Thanks Marco! It is such an insult to the very person of this Great Man who ever existed. God be praised!
Please non-Muslim Qlers, do not let yourself be tempted to believe Mohammad was a paedophile as many are saying or trying to prove online on various websites with this story of a 6 yrs old girl. Do your research. Do not be gullible and accept everything you see or hear. Do not look up at some Muslims behaviour from some remote tribes of some backward countries. Child abuse is Unislamic and against the spirit of Islam and any other religion for that matter. Period!