Maccessory, I like your comment. This is what I mean. I read from some religious sources Ayesha was 19 when she was married. I like your use of the word 'perhaps'. Within 200 years of his death or before, none of the followers of Mohammad or their progeny has been reported of doing same. WHY? WHERE ARE THE SIMILAR FACTS EVIDENCE?
What we need is a meeting of world's scholars to address this issue and prove beyond reasonable doubts that Ayesha was 6 when she was married. Then go on a global course of informing people. I bet not too many scholars would like this idea of mine.
Maccessory, I like your comment. This is what I mean. I read from some religious sources Ayesha was 19 when she was married. I like your use of the word 'perhaps'. Within 200 years of his death or before, none of the followers of Mohammad or their progeny has been reported of doing same. WHY? WHERE ARE THE SIMILAR FACTS EVIDENCE?
What we need is a meeting of world's scholars to address this issue and prove beyond reasonable doubts that Ayesha was 6 when she was married. Then go on a global course of informing people. I bet not too many scholars would like this idea of mine.