notion that science leads to killing (btw, it doesn't, science is simply the intellectual mechanism that helps understand the properties of the universe......i think what you mean is technology i.e. the practical applications derived from science) what?
What do you suggest should be done?
Ban science? - then you might as well ban thinking.
Stupid question/statement to begin with.....I think you should elucidate your proposition a lot further in order to make some sort of point.
It's just as clear as me saying cats and dishwashers.
notion that science leads to killing (btw, it doesn't, science is simply the intellectual mechanism that helps understand the properties of the universe......i think what you mean is technology i.e. the practical applications derived from science) what?
What do you suggest should be done?
Ban science? - then you might as well ban thinking.
Stupid question/statement to begin with.....I think you should elucidate your proposition a lot further in order to make some sort of point.
It's just as clear as me saying cats and dishwashers.