All of my Friends...
The fate of the Suicider is very Pathetic. For whatever crime you commit, your God is most Merciful. God may Forgive you if God wishes. But God has announced harsh punishment for the Suicider. The punishment is that he will continue the act of suicide repeatedly for ever. That is he will suicide get pain and agony become dead and again alive and repeat this cycle forever. Be very very careful. You did not become alive when you wished and you have no right to die when you wish.
All of my Friends...
The fate of the Suicider is very Pathetic. For whatever crime you commit, your God is most Merciful. God may Forgive you if God wishes. But God has announced harsh punishment for the Suicider. The punishment is that he will continue the act of suicide repeatedly for ever. That is he will suicide get pain and agony become dead and again alive and repeat this cycle forever. Be very very careful. You did not become alive when you wished and you have no right to die when you wish.