If you are want to start business, make sure to sign contract in clear language. Decide profit terms.
Try to find sponsor not practically involved, in business, mean silent partner, but be honest and give him, handsome gift,not bribe, gift to his son or give some cash amount. Some qataris are very gentle and do not create any legal problem,but their new generation is educated and you can not hide any thing they can take legal action.
If your sponsor is nice then you are lucky and can make good money.....but do not for get to give him gift,,,cash,,,on Eid days,,,,or birthdays....good luck
If you are want to start business, make sure to sign contract in clear language. Decide profit terms.
Try to find sponsor not practically involved, in business, mean silent partner, but be honest and give him, handsome gift,not bribe, gift to his son or give some cash amount. Some qataris are very gentle and do not create any legal problem,but their new generation is educated and you can not hide any thing they can take legal action.
If your sponsor is nice then you are lucky and can make good money.....but do not for get to give him gift,,,cash,,,on Eid days,,,,or birthdays....good luck