1. Walk and get into the car with confidence.
2. Greet the examiner.
3. Put on seat belt. Adjust Seat, rear view and side mirrors - apparently it's important.
4. Turn off Emergency Indicator. Foot ready on break pad, hand break down.
5. Shift gear to D and turn on indicator. Look over your shoulder before you let go the break pad.
6. While driving - always perform rear and side mirror check. Don't use your eyes only - they looked at your head's movement.
7. Be aware of the speed limit on the street - maintain speed even if instructed.
8. Don't park at the No Park areas.
9. Turn on indicator at the correct timing. Especially at a roundabout. Read your guide book prior to the test.
1. Walk and get into the car with confidence.
2. Greet the examiner.
3. Put on seat belt. Adjust Seat, rear view and side mirrors - apparently it's important.
4. Turn off Emergency Indicator. Foot ready on break pad, hand break down.
5. Shift gear to D and turn on indicator. Look over your shoulder before you let go the break pad.
6. While driving - always perform rear and side mirror check. Don't use your eyes only - they looked at your head's movement.
7. Be aware of the speed limit on the street - maintain speed even if instructed.
8. Don't park at the No Park areas.
9. Turn on indicator at the correct timing. Especially at a roundabout. Read your guide book prior to the test.