It’s a tradition for Iftar around the world to contain greasy, fried and sugary dishes, as a form of compensation for completing the fasting.
People also tend to eat considerably more than usual in a short span of time. Which has very serious health complications.
An Ideal Iftar should by eating a few dates and water.
Dates “ Tamer or Rutab is the Arabic name” have a revitalizing effect, while water rehydrates and reduces the chances of over-indulgence.
This maybe then followed by a few lighter snacks, light meals, nothing greasy, oily, fired or overcooked.
keep it simple and healthy and enjoy your Ramadan.
It’s a tradition for Iftar around the world to contain greasy, fried and sugary dishes, as a form of compensation for completing the fasting.
People also tend to eat considerably more than usual in a short span of time. Which has very serious health complications.
An Ideal Iftar should by eating a few dates and water.
Dates “ Tamer or Rutab is the Arabic name” have a revitalizing effect, while water rehydrates and reduces the chances of over-indulgence.
This maybe then followed by a few lighter snacks, light meals, nothing greasy, oily, fired or overcooked.
keep it simple and healthy and enjoy your Ramadan.