believe me I have to shoot that people, who refer here VIJU and Kijus who loot money from people, just go directly to concerned department. you can take advise and help from experienced people and do all the submission and follow-ups your self. if you got some assist from any one just tip him with a satisfactory and reasonable amount to make him happy and pray. and get further help in future. Please please don't give any advance to any one specially for family residence visa. I will tell you 200% it will not work out. there is nothing back door way to get family RP it is wasting of money and time. go proper way ant try proper channel.
believe me I have to shoot that people, who refer here VIJU and Kijus who loot money from people, just go directly to concerned department. you can take advise and help from experienced people and do all the submission and follow-ups your self. if you got some assist from any one just tip him with a satisfactory and reasonable amount to make him happy and pray. and get further help in future. Please please don't give any advance to any one specially for family residence visa. I will tell you 200% it will not work out. there is nothing back door way to get family RP it is wasting of money and time. go proper way ant try proper channel.