Sulieman, I think you got me wrong because my punctuation was lacking of a comma sign. I am not upset at all. I am saying UncleSam goes to extreme in his surveillance paranoia and has the guts to brand some Arab countries as extremist states. For example, KSA as extremists in their Laws.
I know terrorism is not exclusive for Arabs but that's how they want their people to perceive it through their media. They brand such countries as Extremists. It's not me who do the branding. They do. I am not pinpointing any Arab countries as Terrorists or Extremists. Not at all my dear friend. I am not Arab, but I feel for the Arabs and others when the UncleSam paints them in black. Unfair treatment!
Sulieman, I think you got me wrong because my punctuation was lacking of a comma sign. I am not upset at all. I am saying UncleSam goes to extreme in his surveillance paranoia and has the guts to brand some Arab countries as extremist states. For example, KSA as extremists in their Laws.
I know terrorism is not exclusive for Arabs but that's how they want their people to perceive it through their media. They brand such countries as Extremists. It's not me who do the branding. They do. I am not pinpointing any Arab countries as Terrorists or Extremists. Not at all my dear friend. I am not Arab, but I feel for the Arabs and others when the UncleSam paints them in black. Unfair treatment!