Actually while I don't believe a man has the right to raise his hand on any woman including his wife... i also believe a woman should be observing the commonly accepted rules... and therefore she should not speak badly about the parents.... just like you would not want your son's wife to mistreat you... respect is a two way alley... if you dont give any.... you dont get any...
I also believe divorce is of a greater evil than a light slap... that said a man should never be put in that position... therefore a woman should respect herself not to put herself in that position... with the same token one can say... instead of talking rudely about his parents.. she should divorce him.
Actually while I don't believe a man has the right to raise his hand on any woman including his wife... i also believe a woman should be observing the commonly accepted rules... and therefore she should not speak badly about the parents.... just like you would not want your son's wife to mistreat you... respect is a two way alley... if you dont give any.... you dont get any...
I also believe divorce is of a greater evil than a light slap... that said a man should never be put in that position... therefore a woman should respect herself not to put herself in that position... with the same token one can say... instead of talking rudely about his parents.. she should divorce him.