I feel the advantages far outweigh the risks and so the process should go on. Stem cells can be used to form any kind of cells..be it bone, muscle, blood or skin etc. Why can't this be used to culture and replace lost, damaged or mutated cells/tissues?
The only way we can stop the research going in the wrong direction is to ensure that funding is SMART and under full CONTROL, not to allow any private or non-state actors use this for their ulterior motives.
I feel the advantages far outweigh the risks and so the process should go on. Stem cells can be used to form any kind of cells..be it bone, muscle, blood or skin etc. Why can't this be used to culture and replace lost, damaged or mutated cells/tissues?
The only way we can stop the research going in the wrong direction is to ensure that funding is SMART and under full CONTROL, not to allow any private or non-state actors use this for their ulterior motives.