Trials and tribulations are a part of life, just as joys and blessings are. We must endure some downs like we relish our ups. and no matter how excruciating be our pains, they too will end as will our comforts. For nothing on earth, lasts forever.
But we must continue to love and befriend for as long as we live, and we must pursue peace and harmony. For they are life's treasures and beauties. They make hardships easier to withstand and add allurement, gratification and enjoyment even to the most ordinary of days.
No matter how bleak things may appear every now and then, it pays to focus on how we can overcome a tragedy in a manner where we come out as better and stronger individuals.
Trials and tribulations are a part of life, just as joys and blessings are. We must endure some downs like we relish our ups. and no matter how excruciating be our pains, they too will end as will our comforts. For nothing on earth, lasts forever.
But we must continue to love and befriend for as long as we live, and we must pursue peace and harmony. For they are life's treasures and beauties. They make hardships easier to withstand and add allurement, gratification and enjoyment even to the most ordinary of days.
No matter how bleak things may appear every now and then, it pays to focus on how we can overcome a tragedy in a manner where we come out as better and stronger individuals.