Hi friend,
I am Dr Rajesh Nair and working as the consultant of an on line store. I am not a staff of Indulekha and so its not my duty to answer the queries related to the usage of the oil bought from any of the retail outlets. My tel no is displayed in the store as a consultant for their customers. Customers will call me with their order # will surely get answer from my side. So I am extremely sorry for the misunderstanding and people buying OTC products should verify the claims before the purchase.
The information page you displayed is still there and we are a group of Ayurvedic professionals. To give you a quick idea about Ayurvedaforall, we are a group of ayurvedic practioners committed to propagating Ayurveda in its best tradition around the world. Our online store sells authentic ayurvedic formulations backed by professional advice. Now into the ninth year of operation, the site has helped us build a dedicated clientele which regularly uses our products and services as well as refers others to us. Needless to say, this has been achieved through our adherence to the highest standards of customer service and professional ethics.
Hope this clarifies.
Best Regards
Dr Rajesh Nair