I am currently looking for a Software engineer/web developer that would be responsible to develop , implement and maintaining our websites,
Facebook A/c , Twitter A/c and Blogs for all Business Enterprises around the world.
-Responsible for internet marketing and positioning of the Brand
-Would be flexible to travel around the world when required
- Minimum requirement of 3-5 experience in web technologies
- especially who has a hands on experience in search engine optimization( SEO)
of global brands.
or Minimum requirement of 3-5 years experience in a Search Engine
Optimization (S E O) Company.
Hi Guys!
I am currently looking for a Software engineer/web developer that would be responsible to develop , implement and maintaining our websites,
Facebook A/c , Twitter A/c and Blogs for all Business Enterprises around the world.
-Responsible for internet marketing and positioning of the Brand
-Would be flexible to travel around the world when required
- Minimum requirement of 3-5 experience in web technologies
- especially who has a hands on experience in search engine optimization( SEO)
of global brands.
or Minimum requirement of 3-5 years experience in a Search Engine
Optimization (S E O) Company.
you can send me your cv [email protected]
salary offer starts at 2500 USD or more depending on your qualification.
Thank You
Nicx Bautista