but they talk correct format-> they talk me come and give money office , but office need one staff id no tat No bases only you can come here , so we think we pass money tat person hand.....
we cal him and said come and colect money and doquments,
then he come , day after tat office man cal me and said i get money cover , cover inside money details he told me 100QR how much , 500QR how much --> total 5000 and doquments - tats al tat time.
then one wik we not cal him, they cal me and said why no reponse , call me and office number then only you can get job suddenly ....k
two wiks after they cal me and said your tickets and agriment paper ok but visa not get .....
i wait for that visa , last friday they told me get visa ,come and colect
i know , sir --
but they talk correct format-> they talk me come and give money office , but office need one staff id no tat No bases only you can come here , so we think we pass money tat person hand.....
we cal him and said come and colect money and doquments,
then he come , day after tat office man cal me and said i get money cover , cover inside money details he told me 100QR how much , 500QR how much --> total 5000 and doquments - tats al tat time.
then one wik we not cal him, they cal me and said why no reponse , call me and office number then only you can get job suddenly ....k
two wiks after they cal me and said your tickets and agriment paper ok but visa not get .....
i wait for that visa , last friday they told me get visa ,come and colect