Nowreasonforsmile ( Guess Sincerelyurs is the same soul) with so many smiling threads
Colt ( I cant forget the real fight police complaints etc)
Pajju ((:
Elegantlady or something similar
TheLucyShow ( She left Qatar I think )
TB ( Is in reading mode I mean the Lady TB not the waxing TB )
TB with awesome photographs with a team of competitive photographers..
baldrick2dogs ( cant stop laughing on the pee thread )
Sanity - He won a badge of Humour By Ghazalz once for his thread & his morning shows were fantastic
Funny fights between Rizks Brit Lawa UKE Khanan etc...
Different versions of Gypsy..
Urdu Group was one of the most active group but seems all are busy with their own lives..Few active characters if I remember them right were Lahori Mathboy, Lawa, Suzian, BlueRose, RAK, Victory
Wolf Da, Drac, LP ( soul of LP has different bodies these days) , PP are not showing up much..
K74 was once like the open celebration in QL..
I am not good in remembering names I miss many others too..
Nowreasonforsmile ( Guess Sincerelyurs is the same soul) with so many smiling threads
Colt ( I cant forget the real fight police complaints etc)
Pajju ((:
Elegantlady or something similar
TheLucyShow ( She left Qatar I think )
TB ( Is in reading mode I mean the Lady TB not the waxing TB )
TB with awesome photographs with a team of competitive photographers..
baldrick2dogs ( cant stop laughing on the pee thread )
Sanity - He won a badge of Humour By Ghazalz once for his thread & his morning shows were fantastic
Funny fights between Rizks Brit Lawa UKE Khanan etc...
Different versions of Gypsy..
Urdu Group was one of the most active group but seems all are busy with their own lives..Few active characters if I remember them right were Lahori Mathboy, Lawa, Suzian, BlueRose, RAK, Victory
Wolf Da, Drac, LP ( soul of LP has different bodies these days) , PP are not showing up much..
K74 was once like the open celebration in QL..
I am not good in remembering names I miss many others too..