Yes. If they know your real name they can easily find your emails, mobile, date or birth, relationship status, IP address.
It is easy to know crack passwords with names mobile and DOB.
It is easy trac your location by IP address of your home and work..
If they know the location of your home and work OMG so many other things could happen... cheating easily...entering your home when you are at work.
If they have your mobile and you use some common applications like Whatsup they can easily get your picture without your knowledge.
Internet is no longer safe to keep things private...however diversity makes it more complicated but if someone wanna chase you they can do it very easily if you are more active online..even with your fake name.
Yes. If they know your real name they can easily find your emails, mobile, date or birth, relationship status, IP address.
It is easy to know crack passwords with names mobile and DOB.
It is easy trac your location by IP address of your home and work..
If they know the location of your home and work OMG so many other things could happen... cheating easily...entering your home when you are at work.
If they have your mobile and you use some common applications like Whatsup they can easily get your picture without your knowledge.
Internet is no longer safe to keep things private...however diversity makes it more complicated but if someone wanna chase you they can do it very easily if you are more active online..even with your fake name.