wirehead, IMHO, there is a difference between THE CHURCH, and the community. The Church is a representative of the faith, the community are the 'faithful", they do not , as a first instance,represent the faith, but the faithful, the community.
Therefore, IMHO, THE CHURCH has in the first instance responsibility towards the reputation of the faith.
Th faithful, the community, has responsibility towards the group, their actions and deeds.
THE CHURCH is the umbrella, an authority the faithful can turn to.Also an authority that needs to keep the faithful on the right track in the faith.
Now, if THE CHURCH, like in this case and so very many others, messes up, THEY are fully responsible for the reputation of the faith. THEY are the leaders in the first instance. If the faithful mess up, then in the first instance they are responsible themselves, then, if the problems do not get solved, THE CHURCH, as the umbrella needs to step in. which is pretty useless if they are making themselves a laughing stock....