do you mean meeting for family residance visa approval...? arive atleat 10 minute before your appoinment time on the date,at 1st floor gate no 4 (preveously family visa application accepting at there,now it is shifted to gate no-3 (same entrance of gate no 2,right side)..
keep all orginal and one set of photocopy of all document you submited with application.(there is some neccecery document like rent contract attested from Baladiya real estate sction,-if you have electricity bill under your name is more better,marriage certificate and kids birth certificate attessted from MOFA.-your qulaification certificate also attested from MOFA-some time they asking for traslation also-in ARABIC,bank statemet.if you have credit card from your bank bring a copy to proove your capacity to handle finance requirment....all the best