of the country in question who chose to intervene. Did they chose to do so to help the oppressed and weak or because of some personal gain. If it's the former then know that when you chose to do something of good to another not always will the outcome be as positive as you hoped. There maybe negative reactions and in this case tragedies, but one needs to focus on what will be the greater remuneration: the end of terror and oppression of innocents.
Anyone who knowingly kills innocents, whatever be their motive, are murderers and evil-doers, and they must be stopped.
of the country in question who chose to intervene. Did they chose to do so to help the oppressed and weak or because of some personal gain. If it's the former then know that when you chose to do something of good to another not always will the outcome be as positive as you hoped. There maybe negative reactions and in this case tragedies, but one needs to focus on what will be the greater remuneration: the end of terror and oppression of innocents.
Anyone who knowingly kills innocents, whatever be their motive, are murderers and evil-doers, and they must be stopped.