My friend, your story is nothing compared to mine. It is a long story but i will try to cut it short:
I had to take my car twice to them to fix an issue with the central locking...
First time, they called saying they were not able to fix it and asked me to send it back another day for a more detailed checking....After two weeks I again sent it and kept it for two days but again, they could not fix it, NOR did they know what was wrong....they further asked me to keep the car longer for two additional days, but then i got so frustrated and decided to get it back , and i also wanted to raise a complain to their workshop manager about their incompetent service.....After i finally reached their manager, guess what he said to me ? ....he said this: "We don't know what the cause is, but we are suspecting one part is wrong but we don't have the part in our store, we can do something for you, we can order the part from germany, but if it didn't work, you will have to pay for it !"
Can you imagine that? and this is the manager talking, not the service advisor even....And on top of all this, the manager didn't allow me take back my car without paying for a job that was not even completed !
What is even also more funny, you call them ( and if you are lucky someone picks the phone), you ask them for any update about your car, they tell you that your car is not there in the workshop !....They simply don't know if your car is there; can you imagine this ? Also when i gave them my car the second time, one day later,i received a call from them and i was so happy to receive an update about my car, but guess what? they were asking me why i did not send my car to them !!and my car was actually there !
In the end, i ended up selling my Audi, just to get rid of all the frustation i had with them, and i had even warned the buyer about them.
My friend, your story is nothing compared to mine. It is a long story but i will try to cut it short:
I had to take my car twice to them to fix an issue with the central locking...
First time, they called saying they were not able to fix it and asked me to send it back another day for a more detailed checking....After two weeks I again sent it and kept it for two days but again, they could not fix it, NOR did they know what was wrong....they further asked me to keep the car longer for two additional days, but then i got so frustrated and decided to get it back , and i also wanted to raise a complain to their workshop manager about their incompetent service.....After i finally reached their manager, guess what he said to me ? ....he said this: "We don't know what the cause is, but we are suspecting one part is wrong but we don't have the part in our store, we can do something for you, we can order the part from germany, but if it didn't work, you will have to pay for it !"
Can you imagine that? and this is the manager talking, not the service advisor even....And on top of all this, the manager didn't allow me take back my car without paying for a job that was not even completed !
What is even also more funny, you call them ( and if you are lucky someone picks the phone), you ask them for any update about your car, they tell you that your car is not there in the workshop !....They simply don't know if your car is there; can you imagine this ? Also when i gave them my car the second time, one day later,i received a call from them and i was so happy to receive an update about my car, but guess what? they were asking me why i did not send my car to them !!and my car was actually there !
In the end, i ended up selling my Audi, just to get rid of all the frustation i had with them, and i had even warned the buyer about them.
Thanks for reading...