There are basically two internet providers here: qtel and vodafone. You won't want to go with vodafone, trust me. Their overpriced packages and monthly limit on bandwidth just doesn't makes it a feasible option. Qtel on the other hand offers unlimited bandwidth on either dsl, or fiber optic(depedning on where you'll settle, as very few cities have access to fiber optic currently). DSL subscriptions vary from 1mb to 10mb with prices ranging from 250QR to 600QR( 600QR for 10mb), while fiber optic comes in 1mb, 10mb, 50mb and 100mb connection, with prices ranging from 250QR, 300QR, 400QR and 600QR per month( yes, fiber optic offers the best speed/price ratio). Add another 50QR to which ever package you decide to buy, and you'll be subscribed to basic mozaic service(digital TV).

EDIT: Qtel provides a router with wifi and installation free of charge if you choose to sign up for one year subscription.