You know that a theory could be proven wrong by the tiniest thing why their called theory not facts, and that is false the most agreed Theory is the Pythagorean Theory which is still a theory. I never stated I don't find the big bang theory incorrect you just began attacking man, I was using it as an example.
Like if you want a civilized discussion you should try to understand both sides of the argument. Example would be the Iraq war you know what Iraqis say now, with Saddam their was safety but no freedom, but without Saddam we have freedom but no safety.
This doesn't mean that you're wrong or that stealth is wrong, you are both right. You believe now they can vote and not be scared of their government officials. While Stealth believes now there is a very high rate of crime, which wasn't around the time during Saddam's time.
You know that a theory could be proven wrong by the tiniest thing why their called theory not facts, and that is false the most agreed Theory is the Pythagorean Theory which is still a theory. I never stated I don't find the big bang theory incorrect you just began attacking man, I was using it as an example.
Like if you want a civilized discussion you should try to understand both sides of the argument. Example would be the Iraq war you know what Iraqis say now, with Saddam their was safety but no freedom, but without Saddam we have freedom but no safety.
This doesn't mean that you're wrong or that stealth is wrong, you are both right. You believe now they can vote and not be scared of their government officials. While Stealth believes now there is a very high rate of crime, which wasn't around the time during Saddam's time.