Anyway....since you all are not with me here. i shall be with you.
A. this not their site, this site belongs to one individual who is not involved at all.
B. WE are running this site, We are making it successful....or not.
C. Of course we are NOT living in a democracy, therefore fair play is not expected from the "overlords".
D. Give power to the little man, and he will abuse it....two edged sword? Apparently.
Anyway....since you all are not with me here. i shall be with you.
A. this not their site, this site belongs to one individual who is not involved at all.
B. WE are running this site, We are making it successful....or not.
C. Of course we are NOT living in a democracy, therefore fair play is not expected from the "overlords".
D. Give power to the little man, and he will abuse it....two edged sword? Apparently.