Try for listings. The best way is for both of you to register and post your resumes on their website and let them market you for free. Your profiles will be searchable that way and you never know, one day you might hear from someone. However, it is true that in this part of the world, personal references and recommendations are more effective; but don't let that discourage you. I got a call out of the blue from an employer, who flew me to Doha for an interview and hired me. Good luck.
Try for listings. The best way is for both of you to register and post your resumes on their website and let them market you for free. Your profiles will be searchable that way and you never know, one day you might hear from someone. However, it is true that in this part of the world, personal references and recommendations are more effective; but don't let that discourage you. I got a call out of the blue from an employer, who flew me to Doha for an interview and hired me. Good luck.