Here we go again......How about a serious campaign against traffic offenses? They kill...knees and shoulders don' far I know.
Or, how about a campaign against inhuman treatment of workers?
Or cruelty against animals? They can start at Souk Waqif....
But no, let's be offended by knees and shoulders....

It is pathetic that no body wanna share their ideas about what Nomerci is highlighting.

Just y/day I visited some of the workers from my country dumped in a no man's land along Dukhan road. Their cabins were gutted while they were out at work saving only their working cloths. When they said they wanna go home, the company dumped them in that place, 14 people in a 10x 12 square room with a bulb and refused to provide food even. Since we came to know about this tragedy , we helped them in any way we can with their needs and taken them to the country's embassy to do the necessary stuffs to arrange their departure ASAP. How any one of you are gonna explain this. The middle management of this company who are incurring this inhuman cruel treatment are the followers of the religion which is supposed to pay the dues before the sweat dried on the workers body. SIGH :(:(:(