Sex education in this part of the world is a very tricky subject, specially with the religious background, involved in all kinda day to day activities.
I have been around in this part of the world for about 20 years and came across lot of men who were so closed to me to divulge their personal stuffs as well.
I read all the comments here and noted no one noted the crude nature of how men / women in this region enjoying sex with out damaging their virginity. Since that is what is anyone looking for as the guarantee of their absenteeism in sex out of wedlock. Men who are going around this practice to enjoy sex out of wedlock, demand a virgin to get married. Sigh :) .
The men are so smart to the extent they can find out about the females pre-marital sexual activities.
What ever the beliefs we are in, we all are humans made out of flesh and blood. Humans are full of desires and most of the time insatiable. So it is common for the people in this area as well.
This comment might be slightly out of the topic, yet it does related to the lives of the people here.