The UN resolution says something so uncontroversial that if anyone disagrees then they have a very warped sense of morality.
This is what this resolution is about:
'The Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly voted to approve a resolution condemning extrajudicial summary or arbitrary executions.'
Please note that this is all such acts......gender issues have not been mentioned.
So are we all agreed that extrajudicial summary or arbitrary executions are bad things?
Good so lets move on.
'This resolution is introduced every two years to protect the right to life of all people. It includes calling on all member states to investigate killings based in discrimination.'
Again, are we all agreed that such killings based on discrimination (all forms of discrimination) are bad?
Good, let's continue.
'For the past 12 years, this resolution has urged States "to investigate promptly and thoroughly all killings, including... all killings committed for any discriminatory reason, including sexual orientation." Apart from Human Rights Council resolution 17/19, it is the only UN resolution to make specific reference to sexual orientation. This year, the term "gender identity" was added to the list of categories vulnerable to extrajudicial killings.'
So now we get to the part where sexual orientation and gender identity is asked to be included as a category under which such killings are undertaken as a result of discrimination.......alongside those historically subject to executions including street children, human rights defenders, members of ethnic, religious, and linguistic minority communities etc
Still keeping up?
Also, this is nothing was in the original resolutions but was stripped out in 2010......this just reinstates it.
Now how can you be FOR extrajudicial summary or arbitrary executions based on discrimination? If you are for it, be it for religious or any other reason, then your morality is just plain are wrong....there is no debate on this matter.
As a caveat, Egypt said:
'We are alarmed at the attempts to make new rights or new standards'
Since when is the right not to be arbitrarily or summarily executed because of discrimination a 'new right' that should be resisted?
Voting was as follows:
The full resolution passed with 109 votes in favor, 1 against, 65 abstentions and 18 absent. The one against was Iran. Qatar abstained.
This is very uncontroversial and anyone who opposes it is as repugnant to the core as any human can get.
The UN resolution says something so uncontroversial that if anyone disagrees then they have a very warped sense of morality.
This is what this resolution is about:
'The Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly voted to approve a resolution condemning extrajudicial summary or arbitrary executions.'
Please note that this is all such acts......gender issues have not been mentioned.
So are we all agreed that extrajudicial summary or arbitrary executions are bad things?
Good so lets move on.
'This resolution is introduced every two years to protect the right to life of all people. It includes calling on all member states to investigate killings based in discrimination.'
Again, are we all agreed that such killings based on discrimination (all forms of discrimination) are bad?
Good, let's continue.
'For the past 12 years, this resolution has urged States "to investigate promptly and thoroughly all killings, including... all killings committed for any discriminatory reason, including sexual orientation." Apart from Human Rights Council resolution 17/19, it is the only UN resolution to make specific reference to sexual orientation. This year, the term "gender identity" was added to the list of categories vulnerable to extrajudicial killings.'
So now we get to the part where sexual orientation and gender identity is asked to be included as a category under which such killings are undertaken as a result of discrimination.......alongside those historically subject to executions including street children, human rights defenders, members of ethnic, religious, and linguistic minority communities etc
Still keeping up?
Also, this is nothing was in the original resolutions but was stripped out in 2010......this just reinstates it.
Now how can you be FOR extrajudicial summary or arbitrary executions based on discrimination? If you are for it, be it for religious or any other reason, then your morality is just plain are wrong....there is no debate on this matter.
As a caveat, Egypt said:
'We are alarmed at the attempts to make new rights or new standards'
Since when is the right not to be arbitrarily or summarily executed because of discrimination a 'new right' that should be resisted?
Voting was as follows:
The full resolution passed with 109 votes in favor, 1 against, 65 abstentions and 18 absent. The one against was Iran. Qatar abstained.
This is very uncontroversial and anyone who opposes it is as repugnant to the core as any human can get.
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