you are proving yourself to be a most anal sort..move on for the licence in a biryani comment, there's no need to stereotype, in such a pathetic manner if i may add, other fellow expats. Unless (and i wouldn't put you above that) you somehow consider yourself a cut above other expats. A similar insulting stereotype would be me thinking you got your driver's licence bundled with your QDC licence. Give respect, take respect and just be pleasant around here please.
you are proving yourself to be a most anal sort..move on for the licence in a biryani comment, there's no need to stereotype, in such a pathetic manner if i may add, other fellow expats. Unless (and i wouldn't put you above that) you somehow consider yourself a cut above other expats. A similar insulting stereotype would be me thinking you got your driver's licence bundled with your QDC licence. Give respect, take respect and just be pleasant around here please.