"Invader that is ever expanding"......read history for God's sake.
Any land that is invaded the victor is allowed to keep. But inspite of that Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula in a peace treaty with Egypt.
They gave bck Gaza to the Palestinians in hopes of peace, with a proper planned infrastructure in place, 20 milllion woth of greenhouses for agriculture, water and sewage treatment facilities. What did Hamas do, instead of upkeep they destroyed what was there. And then use it as a base to launch rockets.
As for the pictures ....only dead women & children. What kind of a mother will accept the body of her dead child being displayed to the whole world? That child is not a statistic to be used for propaganda. What happened to respect for the dead?
What kind of mother will accept her child to aspire to be a suicide bomber-I see photos of kids hardly even 8 years with the Quran in one hand, a gun in the other. I find that sick and revolting.
Kids must never be taught hate. They must be taught to reject the culture of death thay are brain washed into. It is OK to DIE for a cause, but we have no right to take the life of another innocent human being. I look upon such action with contempt. Only cowards are driven to suicide bombing. They don't have the nerve to fight like a man and die.
Children must be taught to love the gift of life that God has granted us, that no matter how bad the circumstances they can still be productive human beings.
What I find ironic is ....They can bring in rockets to Gaza that cost more than 1 million a piece, but they can't find a way to improve the lives of the people who live there.
"Invader that is ever expanding"......read history for God's sake.
Any land that is invaded the victor is allowed to keep. But inspite of that Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula in a peace treaty with Egypt.
They gave bck Gaza to the Palestinians in hopes of peace, with a proper planned infrastructure in place, 20 milllion woth of greenhouses for agriculture, water and sewage treatment facilities. What did Hamas do, instead of upkeep they destroyed what was there. And then use it as a base to launch rockets.
As for the pictures ....only dead women & children. What kind of a mother will accept the body of her dead child being displayed to the whole world? That child is not a statistic to be used for propaganda. What happened to respect for the dead?
What kind of mother will accept her child to aspire to be a suicide bomber-I see photos of kids hardly even 8 years with the Quran in one hand, a gun in the other. I find that sick and revolting.
Kids must never be taught hate. They must be taught to reject the culture of death thay are brain washed into. It is OK to DIE for a cause, but we have no right to take the life of another innocent human being. I look upon such action with contempt. Only cowards are driven to suicide bombing. They don't have the nerve to fight like a man and die.
Children must be taught to love the gift of life that God has granted us, that no matter how bad the circumstances they can still be productive human beings.
What I find ironic is ....They can bring in rockets to Gaza that cost more than 1 million a piece, but they can't find a way to improve the lives of the people who live there.