Sitting across the table will never work for a very simple reason.
Palestinians truly believe that their Land for some reason was just taken away from them and giving to someone else, who is now consider as an occupier...."doesn't matter who and regardless of the reason" and there's NOTHING u can do to make them happy again short of giving them their country back....until that happens they will remain hostile forever cuz they feel like they were robbed and everybody is helping the robber!!!!
Israeli's truly believe that it's their ancestors Land, and that the UN declared a Jewish state in the land of Palestine by Partition Plan 181 on Nov. 29, 1947 because holocaust survivors’ migrations were becoming an increasingly big problem for the rest of Europe. As such they believe they r the rightful owners and everybody who wants to live on that Land has to be under their control and governance, so they'll never be happy with Palestinians who do not recognize their government or their occupation
What I can tell u is that this all started in 1947....until u undo what was done back then, the problem will never ever EVERRRRRRRR go away!!!!!
@ Good Old Joe
Sitting across the table will never work for a very simple reason.
Palestinians truly believe that their Land for some reason was just taken away from them and giving to someone else, who is now consider as an occupier...."doesn't matter who and regardless of the reason" and there's NOTHING u can do to make them happy again short of giving them their country back....until that happens they will remain hostile forever cuz they feel like they were robbed and everybody is helping the robber!!!!
Israeli's truly believe that it's their ancestors Land, and that the UN declared a Jewish state in the land of Palestine by Partition Plan 181 on Nov. 29, 1947 because holocaust survivors’ migrations were becoming an increasingly big problem for the rest of Europe. As such they believe they r the rightful owners and everybody who wants to live on that Land has to be under their control and governance, so they'll never be happy with Palestinians who do not recognize their government or their occupation
What I can tell u is that this all started in 1947....until u undo what was done back then, the problem will never ever EVERRRRRRRR go away!!!!!