Hehehe....I like to point blame to the source. It's EASY to blame eeeeeeeevrything on the Government just like MANY of u do while in reality those who pollute r "PEOPLE"...Nobody wants to take responsibility for their action. I know that blaming the government is the easy way out, or should I say the "LAZY" way out ;-)
Like I said, I have yet to find ANY country where u have to submit a QR 10,000 check to camp out for a while....when ppl break the law, DON'T BLAME THE LAW!!!!....blame urselves for not being responsible adults!!!!
@ MN
Hehehe....I like to point blame to the source. It's EASY to blame eeeeeeeevrything on the Government just like MANY of u do while in reality those who pollute r "PEOPLE"...Nobody wants to take responsibility for their action. I know that blaming the government is the easy way out, or should I say the "LAZY" way out ;-)
Like I said, I have yet to find ANY country where u have to submit a QR 10,000 check to camp out for a while....when ppl break the law, DON'T BLAME THE LAW!!!!....blame urselves for not being responsible adults!!!!