most wisest responses on this post were by Mohdata. May Allah increase you with wisdom my brother and bless you..Aameen!
Robherr I to am a parent just like you. I have been married for eight years, and Allah has blessed me with one child. My daughter, InnalHamdulillah. She is more precious to me than my life, make no mistake. However I teach her, and myself too in the process, to always love God above anyone and anything else. God has commanded us to always follow what is good and just, and to want for another what we want for ourselves. Hence we must always think about our fellow human beings when dealing with any of life's trials and tribulations.
Your son would not love that ten years from now he finds out that his dad was responsible for the death and/or destruction of another, simply because he was trying to save his life.
And never think that by doing what's just and lawful that you will face loss and pain. Rather good comes to those who do good by others.
Be patient and mindful even in times of trouble, for haste can truly bring on waste!
And do not think that I am one who simply preaches what I don't follow. I cannot begin to even tell you the many times I have faced calamities and still insisted that myself, my husband and those around me follow the laws, even though it may seem at that time difficult to do so. And I swear to you, never have I then ever faced anything worse by doing what's right, rather my burdens were lightened in ways I couldn't imagine.
Anyways I pray Allah cures your boy, and that your fine is reduced greatly. And I hope you learn from this never to make the same mistake again. Thus truly a blessing will come out of this test of yours.
Take care.