buddy i will ignore you calling me an ***kisser and just give you the rationale behind this whole thread, the OP's intention and all the replies:
1)- We have at least one thread daily where someone complains about something that is wrong with the locals and the country. Yes or no?
- Negativity begets negativity and we then have a deluge of comments on the complaint threads with others too chiming in with their own bad experiences. Yes or no?
- Any person who then tries to see the bright side is accused of being passive and trying to sweep the dust under the rag. Yes or no?

2) Now, this person had a good experience. Are they allowed to share it or would QL be better off with only the bad events shared?
- Yes any civilized nation/people do this without it being a big deal. Young boys help old ladies across the street all the time in London. Yes its the human thing to do. But watching/hearing about it warms your heart. Yes or no?
- If 'mr. bright side' in the complaint threads is trying to gloss over the dark side, then 'mr. spoilsport' in the feel good threads is taking the gloss off the good feelings. Yes or no?

That's the point of this thread; share the good, spread the message and hopefully have more people doing whats natural and human.
Have a great weekend:-)