@ MN

I'm saying there's no way in heaven or hell that Qataris can handle a full on parliament right now with the current level of global awareness amongs Qataris, but they might be able to handle a consultative council to be elected and consulted as needed as a representative of the people's voice. Having said that, I certainly believe that the main reason for the current changes in Qatar is the desires of the ruling party/the Emir altho it's unfortunately opposed by a BIG number of locals who hate change and see it as a bad movement. The good thing is, with the type/style of change in Qatar, theres bound to be more global awareness down the line because of the major globalization taking place, at which point democratic elections would make sense....BUT NOT NOW

I think what's happening in Kuwait these days is a PRIME EXAMPLE of what could happen when elections take place in a country of the misinformed....Abuse of power becomes eminent