Mike. True what you are saying. And wrong what these people are doing. If and when they misbehave you have every right to tell them to go away.
What I have a problem with is people who tell them to go away no matter what.
See, I don't like this kind of thing either. And that is the exact reason why I find Qatar very boring...as there is, due to circumstances, VERY little that I can actually enjoy doing.
Is that the fault of the workers? I think not. As many of them simply do not have the capacity to behave as I would find appropriate. This is due to status, culture, faith etc.
Besides that, it is not necessarily workers who misbehave...
It is the unfortunate reality that many very different people are thrown into a very small pot....
Mike. True what you are saying. And wrong what these people are doing. If and when they misbehave you have every right to tell them to go away.
What I have a problem with is people who tell them to go away no matter what.
See, I don't like this kind of thing either. And that is the exact reason why I find Qatar very boring...as there is, due to circumstances, VERY little that I can actually enjoy doing.
Is that the fault of the workers? I think not. As many of them simply do not have the capacity to behave as I would find appropriate. This is due to status, culture, faith etc.
Besides that, it is not necessarily workers who misbehave...
It is the unfortunate reality that many very different people are thrown into a very small pot....