landloverreview said "Yes because it is a social group. Its not Qatar Living Privilege Group. If somebody is not doing well his membership could be cancelled later on like how its happening in coachsurfing and other social groups."

Yeah, while you may be genuine like some others but there are some who do cause trouble and it's not so easy or very nice to just delete them. Eg. if they cause trouble in members' homes, as per some in the past, they know where the member(s) live and work and can cause unnecessary trouble for them.

So the powers that be observe postings first. You'll be amazed as to how one's character comes across to others in the online forum. Of course, a person could just as easily hide their true colours but that'll usually be sorted out when they start to get to personally know you better.

All the best in joining later, it is a really fun group of friendly, kind hearted and helpful people. :0)