not many people knows the fact that lots of private companies (specially the indian companies) where the management decides the law and rules of working conditions and their payments......
there is no1 to question them..... I do not know if the concerned government authorities are aware of all these problems and just ignoring or they really do not know...

it is just kind of arm twisting..... Take it or leave it!
for obvious reasons, the staffs keep quite of the torture metted on them so that they are not sent back to the home country..... so no1 dares to report to the government authorities as they could soon loose their jobs for some other reasons.....

In here.... i mean the whole of gulf, the companies always has an upper hand over its employees.....

Dream team, i feel sorry for u nd just wish to tell u 2 try speaking to them and sort out internally rather than filing any complaint as chances are things might get from bad to worst.....

its just my opinion and I could be wrong.....

Life Rockzzz