This was indeed a very painful and horrific incident indeed.
After having read time and again of maids oppressed brutalized and killed around the Middle East, namely in Saudi, it's indeed unfathomable to think that there has been many cases like little Tala's(Raheemullah)murder. But as it appears that is what's happening.
I quote another article from the Saudi Gazette on this case where they have spoken to a doctor:
"Dr. Khalid Al-Oufi, consultant psychiatrist and medical director of Al-Amal Hospital in Jeddah and head of the psychiatry clinic, said the murder is a clear indication that there is a disturbing trend affecting many Saudi families.
He added: “I believe this crime was the last straw. We can no longer remain silent or ignore this trend.
“Every now and then a little kid get killed or tortured by a housemaid. Psychiatrists and social and family counselors should study this trend and suggest solutions"

If indeed this is all true, then can we not conclude that it appears that due to their severe dependency on maids, some families are so desperate to hire and then keep their maids that they are ignoring many laws and safety measures, which result in either the oppression, torture and deaths of maids or the members of the household.