If anyone gets a job offer from this school please don't accept it. It is better to starve. They will cheat you from day one of working there. They are experts in cutting the teachers salaries over trivial matters. If the students fight in class your salary is cut 500 riyals, sit down in the classroom its 200 riyals, late to class by 5 minutes 100 riyals cut, late for duty 120 riyals. They will find all sorts of ways to deduct money from your salary.

The students are the worst behaved. Back answer teacher, abuse them, fight in the class, don't obey anyone. Teachers have been assaulted many times by students. Security guards who are supposed to remove such students from the class take no action because they are regularly bribed by the students.

There are cameras in all areas of the schools watching the teachers. Students can do ask they please.

Most teachers quit after 1 month because they are literally tortured here. If you try to violate the contract you are threatened with $25,000 law suit.