Viewed on CNN that the FBI communicated with that producer of the horrible and thoughtless film and he is NOT under investigation. This is taking freedom of speech too far, for the irresponsible, inconsiderate actions! Total freedom can lead to anarchy. "Your freedom ends where my liberty begins!"

While we appreciate the importance of freedom of speech but surely there must be limits of decency, empathy, knowledge and acceptance of other cultures and beliefs.

"Besides, the First Amendment while protecting hate speech does have exceptions — incitement to riot, defamation and shouting “fire” in a crowded theater when there isn’t one. The crude anti-Islam film fits on at least two counts. It is often said, “your right to swing your arm freely ends at the other person’s nose.”

/Situation getting worse - protests across the Middle East, recently including Yemen and Sudan. And extending to other embassies like German, etc - evolved to "Western" and getting out of hand.

// Update on CNN - the US would not be apologizing for the video "because you only apologize for something you did, not what someone else did" ... but then again, this someone else is an American citizen, hiding behind the cloak of US laws while attacking Muslims. The leadership may end up having to apologize for the inconsiderate actions of its citizen which has disrespected and insulted Muslims the world over.

Cannot afford to set a precedent against freedom of speech? The distinguishing factor should be if thoughtless and inconsiderate actions such as producing this reprehensible film affect other countries and cultures. It's no longer a domestic (US) issue but an international incident.