at Eagley & Memphis: Open-up your eyes & witness where the Bollywood has reached. If it was merely dancing around the coconut trees, bollywood wouldn't have been second popular after Hollywood (+ has surpassed Hollywood in terms of Film Productions) moreover you wouldn't see several leading Hollywood Celebs working for Bollywood!
It's hit the international market & we even see it in Qatar Cinemas.. we all know how many times a week Qatar Cinemas show filipino movies inspite of vast population here.
at Eagley & Memphis: Open-up your eyes & witness where the Bollywood has reached. If it was merely dancing around the coconut trees, bollywood wouldn't have been second popular after Hollywood (+ has surpassed Hollywood in terms of Film Productions) moreover you wouldn't see several leading Hollywood Celebs working for Bollywood!
It's hit the international market & we even see it in Qatar Cinemas.. we all know how many times a week Qatar Cinemas show filipino movies inspite of vast population here.