There is actually authentic evidences from the Quran and the hadith(narrations of the Prophet) of face veils or niqab being very much a part of Islam. I cannot post them here due to it being against QL guidelines now, but have done so in the past. However many schools of thoughts in Islam defer as to whether it is obligatory or not. Some say it is others say though it's a highly rewarding act it's not a must, etc.
I am one of those who stand by the position that as long as it's done by choice for only God's sake, and not enforced upon an individual, then the niqab is a rewarding act for sure and has it's share of blessings.
That said your brother's story is truly heartwarming and may God guide him and his family to always doing what's right and bless them..Aameen!

Now as for the OP, then I find the whole story very saddening. That these wonderfully brave women, who endure such a huge trial of being blind, feel that the only option open to them is to wed some criminals! Why? Who made them think this way? In Islam God promises paradise to anyone who is blind yet remains patient. Would not any man then be blessed to marry such a woman? Why would he need to be bribed by incentives when in fact he is getting a wife who may not only be outwardly beautiful but also possess within her great inner strength and courage?
I know of many men who will actually cherish being married to such ladies, so I suppose the prejudice they face is from around them. Perhaps then they should be given the chance to marry respectable men from outside their community than prisoners and men driven by wealth offered by the government as a reward!