whoever you are, is it wrong for me to obtain information before hand? I didn't ask you to go and look every single item up for me personally. if you have nothing useful to contribute, then just leave my topic alone. there is a saying, if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all and in your case "type"... furthermore, I went through your profile and allow me to quote something that you wrote, "I love to help and support the needy as much as i can". I'm guessing this does not include people who needs information to plan as failing to plan means you plan to fail... and as a token of no hard feelings, allow me to support you in your need of a spelling correction. the word COLLECT is spelled with the letter 'O' and not an 'A'. and please don't say it was a typo as the letters are located on opposite sides of the keyboard.
whoever you are, is it wrong for me to obtain information before hand? I didn't ask you to go and look every single item up for me personally. if you have nothing useful to contribute, then just leave my topic alone. there is a saying, if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all and in your case "type"... furthermore, I went through your profile and allow me to quote something that you wrote, "I love to help and support the needy as much as i can". I'm guessing this does not include people who needs information to plan as failing to plan means you plan to fail... and as a token of no hard feelings, allow me to support you in your need of a spelling correction. the word COLLECT is spelled with the letter 'O' and not an 'A'. and please don't say it was a typo as the letters are located on opposite sides of the keyboard.