Second that Mandi - I've lived in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Muscat, Ajman and Fujairah - Doha even trails Fujairah in some respects in that you can't get to Dubai or AD or Muscat unless you are prepared to travel at least 1.5hrs+ (min) and usually 4+ hrs on the highway. And traffic in Fujairah is stellar compared with any of the above.

I guess the point that is being made is that your options are limited in Doha simply by being in Qatar. From your posts your expectations are more Dubai/UAEish.

Qatar, while developed, has a lot of catching up to do, even to meet Fujairah standards.

As for chasing papers in the parks, it's an option. If your wife is a distraction in your apt then perhaps there are other alternatives (as one poster suggested) but they are limited by hours of operation.

Good luck