If you are not planning to make any money out of this website, I don't think you need to get any approvals.
The take away menu cards are for public, so, there is no point taking permission from restaurant for publishing it on the web.
Govt. license aka CR is required if you want to do any trading activity or commercial activity.
I would suggest you do it the easy way, register a website with free service provider (could be even wordpress.com) then scan and upload the menus.
Thanks in advance for this public service. The idea is great.
Instead of you doing all the stuff yourself, you can even ask QLers help to collect and send you the menu cards from the restaurants in their respective areas.
If you are not planning to make any money out of this website, I don't think you need to get any approvals.
The take away menu cards are for public, so, there is no point taking permission from restaurant for publishing it on the web.
Govt. license aka CR is required if you want to do any trading activity or commercial activity.
I would suggest you do it the easy way, register a website with free service provider (could be even wordpress.com) then scan and upload the menus.
Thanks in advance for this public service. The idea is great.
Instead of you doing all the stuff yourself, you can even ask QLers help to collect and send you the menu cards from the restaurants in their respective areas.